Sunday, April 24, 2011

Jason Lewis: Power Divided Is Power Checked...check it out!!

Good evening, I hope everyone had an awesome Easter today. I know I did. Between church, hitting some balls at the driving range, driving around in a infinti G37 convertible (thanks dad), running 4 miles with my dad and my brother, and of course an Easter egg hunt to top off the evening. That's right, I said an egg hunt...who says that college graduates/students are to old for Easter. To all of you downers that think you are to old for this holiday tradition. I have one thing to say, "live a little younger for once and have some fun".
Anyway, in the midst of everything that was going on today I did have a chance to pick up a book that really captured my attention. The name of the book is "Power Divided Is Power Checked" by Jason Lewis (a nationally syndicated talk show host). So far I have only read through the first chapter, but I can tell you that it is shaping up to be a great read. The book discusses states rights and how the U.S should return to the way the founders originally envisioned our nation. Jason offers solutions to todays 'hottest' issues that are troubling our nation. So with that said I encourage everyone to check out Jason's book. As for me, I am going to continue to read through Jason's book which will eventually be followed by a review from yours truly.

Happy Easter
Have A Great Week!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Drum Clinic with Ray Luzier

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Are you bored at work or during class? If the answer is yes, then pop in a set of head phones and watch these videos of a drum clinic with Ray Luzier.

Warning! I am not responsible if you get caught by your boss or teacher during a time when you are supposed to be during work. 'The Latham Report' does not condone slacking off at work or in class. Be off task at your own discretion.

$6 a gallon Gas could be coming to A Service Station Near You.

Over the past few years there has been a lot of talk about rising gas prices. With good reason, considering that we have been watching the prices fluctuate up and down over the past few years. If you are like most people then you probably have some questions. For instance, what is the cause of all of this? And how high will they go this summer?
If you ask me, the cause of all of this is rooted in a number of different areas. The most prominent simply being supply and demand. During the spring and summer months people drive significantly more. This results in an increase in the demand for gas, which ultimately causes oil companies to increase supply in order to meet the need for gasoline. Unfortunately, our world is not perfect and there are many different things that can effect supply. For instance, if a hurricane were to take out a few oil rigs in the gulf we would see a temporary spike in gas prices. Another instance could be if Saudi Arabia were to cut off our oil supply or raise the price of crude oil. One other reason for higher gas prices this year could be a result of a "weak" dollar. Since the dollar is not worth as much as it used to be,  oil companies may need to increase prices in order to compensate for the devaluation of the dollar. Of course, the absolute worst case scenario would be if all three of these happened around the same time. And for everyones sake I hope that never happens. None the less, it is a fact that gas prices will increase this summer. It happens every year and it will continue to happen because that is how economics works. The real question is not will gas prices increase? It is by how much? To be honest I don't know how much the price of gas will increase. But I do have a prediction. In my opinion, with the national average for regular unleaded sitting at $3.84 per gallon I do not that we will hit $6/gallon this summer. Here is a list of what I think gas prices will peak at for the following areas this summer.
California -- $5.45
Midwest -- $4.30
East Coast -- $4.35
North East -- $4.40
With all that said don' t worry too much about the price of gas and have a nice day!

Monday, April 18, 2011

For all of the Korn fans and drummers out there!

This interview makes me respect Ray Luzier a lot whole lot more as a drummer. Truly a nice guy and an inspiration...not to mention he throws down some sick beats!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tax the Rich into Oblivion... smart, if You are Retarded!

You want to know the reason why taxing the rich will NOT eliminate the deficit? It is simple really, we spend to much money and the rich simply don't have enough money to even sustain us for 1 year. and oh... I almost forgot. The last time I checked it is the rich that drive this economy and create jobs. 

Healthcare: It should be up to the States!

I here a lot of people saying that Obamacare will hurt Mitt in 2012: To that I need to do no more than to explain a few differences between ObamaCare and RomneyCare since it seems to be everyone's main point of contention against Romney. The form of government upon which this nation was founded was a decentralized federal republic with power designed to reside within the individual states and a limited federal government with very specific and enumerated powers and authorities. The specific design of this nation was to allow power to reside within the states to do as they (the states) felt was in the best interest of it's citizenry and to restrict the power of the federal government. As a governor in Massachusetts Romney helped craft a health care system that the people in Massachusetts desired and more importantly only impacted the citizens of Massachusetts. Ultimately, his plans were hijacked by the huge numbers of liberals and progressives in the state and the end product hardly resembled what Romney had initially proposed. The point here is that this was the action of a state and not the demands of the federal government which is exactly where these types of things should be experimented with. The states were designed to be laboratories of democracy where ideas could be tried and implemented and where they would not impact the entire nation. Romney has correctly identified that the federal government does not, nor should it, have the authority to implement such a plan on the national level as is specifically stated in the tenth amendment to the Constitution. So yes, the health plan in MA didn't work out as intended but the rest of country is not adversely affected by Massachusetts plan, as it should not be. Massachusetts can now go back and see what works, what doesn't work and has the autonomy and authority to make the necessary changes as they see fit. I would assume that if Romney's plan had been implemented without all of the extra spending and entitlements that the democrats added to the bill that it would have worked much better. None the less, at the end of the day this should be a state issue! As for Romney, here is a guy that has spent his entire professional career fixing broken institutions. He made a living by helping to fix companies that were struggling and making them successful thus creating thousands of jobs, he took an Olympic Games rotten with corruption and financially upside down and made it profitable and perhaps the most successful winter games in history, he took a state that was out of control, hemorrhaging money with deficits as far as the eye could see and balanced the budget and left office with a surplus. Here is a guy that has been prepared like no other person in the political arena to deal with the problems that now face our country and is in a unique position to put us back on the right track of growing the economy, creating jobs and restoring the American Dream for us and many generations to come!If you ask me, I have full faith in Mitt Romney to successfully lead our country out of this mess that we find ourselves in right now.

Romney for President